PDO Thread Lift in Greenville, South Carolina

At Believe Image in Greenville, SC, we offer MINT™ PDO threads to meet the needs of patients looking for a non-surgical skin tightening treatment. These threads are tiny sutures that stimulate natural collagen and elastin production when injected into different facial areas. They can lift, tighten, smooth, and rejuvenate the skin and deliver long-lasting and natural-looking results that can make patients look and feel younger and more confident.

What Are MINT™ PDO Threads?

MINT™ PDO threads are a high-quality polydioxanone thread injected just below the skin’s surface to stimulate natural collagen and elastin production. This particular brand of threads has triple FDA clearance and is completely safe for cosmetic use.

PDO threads have been used for decades in the medical world as sutures during surgical procedures. They’re now used to perform a cosmetic treatment called the PDO thread lift because they can naturally lift and tighten the skin without surgery and will gradually dissolve over time.

What Are the Treatment Benefits?

MINT™ stands for minimally invasive non-surgical thread. These threads are made of a biodegradable material that will dissolve in the months following the treatment. Their presence in the skin can improve skin firmness, treat skin laxity, and increase skin elasticity. One of the benefits of these threads is that they are carefully formulated using patented technology.

Each barb is press molded to create a 360° helical pattern. These threads are superior to other brands of threads and are carefully formulated to meet the needs of patients with different aging-related concerns. Some of the treatment benefits include the following:

  • Results are immediate and long-lasting
  • The treatment is comfortable and quick
  • There’s no social downtime after a treatment
  • Maintenance treatments can be scheduled over time to delay aging
  • It’s a non-surgical alternative to a facelift
  • It can be combined with other cosmetic treatments for enhanced results

What Can They Treat?

PDO threads can address the most common aging-related concerns that result from volume loss. They can reduce the appearance of hooded eyes, lift the eyebrows, and treat asymmetry. They can be injected into the under-eye area to treat hollow areas, eliminate fine lines, and add or restore natural-looking volume.

PDO threads can also lift the cheeks, improve facial volume, add contour to the cheekbones, and reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds and other smile lines around the mouth. MINT™ PDO threads can add volume and definition to the lips and reduce the appearance of marionette lines, jowls, a double chin, and fine lines. They can tighten the skin, lift and tighten the jawline, and reduce and even eliminate the most common signs of aging.

How Does the Treatment Process Work?

We can schedule your treatment once we confirm that these absorbable sutures are right for you. We’ll administer the threads just beyond below the surface of the skin, and the barbed part of the threads will anchor into the tissue. As they do, they’ll lift and tighten the skin and stimulate a natural healing response from the body to increase collagen and elastin production.

The threads will absorb, and the body will process them within six to eight months following your initial treatment. A typical treatment takes one hour, and results are visible immediately following the treatment.

When Will I See the Best Results?

Even though you will see some immediate results, the best results will appear in the months following treatment as your body increases collagen and elastin production at the treatment site.

Is There Any Downtime?

There’s no social downtime after a PDO thread treatment. You can resume most of your normal daily activities. We typically recommend that patients avoid intense workouts and activities for at least one week post-treatment. We will provide detailed aftercare instructions so you know what to avoid and how to care for your skin to ensure the best possible results.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Patients typically only need one treatment to achieve their ideal results. However, one of the benefits of this treatment is that you can schedule additional treatments once the threads fully dissolve to address additional skin concerns or to continue to ward off the effects of the natural aging process. We can give you more details about scheduling follow-up treatment after your initial session.

How Long Will My Results Last?

The results of a PDO thread lift can last for a year or longer. However, different factors will affect the longevity of your results, including how aging has affected your skin, your facial structure, and your skin quality. We can give you more details about what you can expect from your customized treatment at your initial consultation.

Is the Treatment Painful?

Before we begin this process, we administer local anesthesia to ensure that patients feel comfortable throughout their entire treatment. During the treatment process, you may feel some pressure as we insert the threads below the skin’s surface, but you won’t have to worry about any discomfort.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Patients looking for a non-surgical facelift alternative make good candidates for MINT™ PDO threads. This minimally invasive treatment can dramatically improve the appearance by lifting and tightening the skin. Before we perform the treatment, we can confirm your eligibility and design a customized plan to help address each area of concern.

Lift and Tighten Your Skin

You don’t have to undergo a surgical or invasive procedure to lift and tighten your skin. With MINT™ PDO threads, we can customize a treatment plan that increases your body’s natural collagen and elastin production while also lifting and tightening the skin to treat the signs of aging and slow the overall aging process. If you want to learn more about these PDO threads, we can give you all the details at your pre-treatment consultation.

Woman Threadlift Infographic
What Kind of Results Can I Expect?

The PDO thread lift with EZ gel treatments delivers immediate and gradual results. After your treatment, you can expect visible improvement in the appearance of your skin. The injections or topical EZ gel combined with microneedling can also promote increased skin volume that will only improve with time.


The best results are visible within the first few weeks following treatment as your body responds to the PDO threads and EZ gel with increased collagen production. The signs of aging will gradually fade, and you’ll notice a more youthful-looking appearance.

How Long Will My Results Last?

After you undergo a PDO thread lift with EZ gel, you can expect your results to last a year or longer. As your body responds to the treatment, you’ll see the effects of increased collagen, and that collagen is permanent. However, you can’t stop the aging process, so you will see additional signs of aging over time. You can schedule additional treatments in the years following your initial treatment to address other concerns and combat aging.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Most patients only need one treatment to achieve their desired results. However, we can schedule maintenance treatments as needed to continue to build collagen and reverse the aging process. Once we learn more about your treatment goals, we can design a treatment plan and give you a better idea of how often you should schedule treatments for the best results.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for a PDO thread lift with EZ gel are patients looking for an alternative anti-aging treatment that doesn’t require surgical intervention to address the most common aging-related concerns. Patients who don’t want to plan around significant downtime, recovery, discomfort, or surgery make good treatment candidates.

Because we can combine different collagen induction therapies into a single treatment and use microneedling, PRF EZ gel, and the PDO threads to address multiple concerns, this treatment can meet the needs of patients of different ages with unique treatment goals.

Experience the Non-Surgical Facelift

The PDO thread lift with EZ gel is the perfect solution for those who want to experience healthier and younger-looking skin. If you want more details about the treatment and how it can radically reverse the aging process and give you a lifted appearance and tighter, smoother skin, we can give you more details and confirm whether it’s right for you.

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